Potential Market for Dental Implants
- About 110 million teeth are replaced worldwide annually
- Only 15% of patients who chose to receive treatment for missing teeth are receiving dental implants
- 285 million people in the developed world are missing one or more teeth and have not yet received dental treatment
- 55 million patients have received conventional therapy but may require re-treatment in the future
- Assuming a 10% market penetration this equates to a market potential opportunity estimated at $85.5B & $16.5B
- In summary: a worldwide opportunity worth $102B
NEW DENTAL IMPLANT: A new dental Implant will be introduced in May 2009. Made in the USA, FDA approved. Impeccable quality/ 8 years in use around the world with great success.
Good price: $90 for implant / Abutments starts at $40.
IMPLANTS: In my opinion, these are the best implants on the market (Ranked). Other new implants on the market like a Korean company (Dio) still have some problem with parts and integration with bones, although they have a good price. Remember, go to my forum and let me know what implants you are using and I will make sure to give you a clear evaluation.
- Nobel Biocare: (800) 332-5001 www.nobelbiocare.com
- Biohorizons: (866) 872-9785 www.biohorizons.com
- Lifecore: (800) 752-2663 www.lifecore.com
- Straumann: (800) 420 9605 www.straumann.com
- Zimmer Dental: (800) 854 7019 ext 1847 www.zimmerdental.com
- MIS: (201) 797-914 www.periochip.com
- 3I Implant Innovations, Inc.: (800) 342-5454 www.3i-online.com
BONES: In my opinion, these are the best bones on the market (Ranked)
- Osteohealth CO: (800) 874-2334 www.osteohealth.com
- Curasan: (919) 941-9770 www.curasan.com
- Harvest Technologies: (877) 8.HARVEST www.harvesttech.com
- Medtronic: (800) 364-4245 www.medtronic.com
- Coastal Implants: (800) 200-3581 www.coastalimplant.com
As an implants company Steve Grand (president) always provided me with good reasonably priced bones. - Osseous Technologies of America: (866) 901-5050
A new product from this company in Newport Beach Ca , I was impressed. Contact William K. Knox (president) billknox@osseoustech.com